COVID-19 Virus Management Information
Visiting Guidelines for Mount Olivet Home and Mount Olivet Careview Home.
All visitors must adhere to the following infection control guidelines to visit:
- Check in at the Kiosk and wear your printed label.
- Excellent hand hygiene.
- Wear a face mask at all times.
- Social distancing, 6 feet from your loved one, from all residents and staff.
- Visit in the room unless directed otherwise.
- Directly exit the facility after the visit.
- Encourage your loved one to wear a face mask during the visit.
- After your visit please inform the nursing staff you are leaving so the area can be disinfected.
If you are planning on taking out your loved one during this time the following guidelines will need to be followed.
Upon resident’s return to the facility your loved one will be screened for:
- Signs and symptoms of COVID-19
- If the resident or family member reports possible close contact to an individual with COVID-19 while outside of the Nursing Home, your loved one will be tested for COVID-19 regardless of vaccination status. If your loved one is not fully vaccinated, he/she will be placed on quarantine
- If your loved one develops signs or symptoms of COVID-19 after the outing, they will be placed on Transmission Based Precautions regardless of vaccination status
- If your loved one leaves the facility for 24 hours or longer, they will be reassessed based on vaccination status if they meet the requirements to be placed in quarantine.
- Wearing a face mask, physically distancing (6 feet) and hand hygiene is still recommended
Stay Connected
To stay in contact with your loved one you may either:
Click here to send an email to your loved one via our email a loved one form
Skype, FaceTime, and Zoom:
Virtual/Video chats are available with your loved one. Please contact Brenda Howard-Larson at 612-821-3175 to schedule a video visit. We will make every attempt to accommodate all requests Staff will be available to assist the resident.
Deliveries for Residents
Packages and/or food for residents can be dropped off from 7:00 am -7:00 pm. Please bring packages to the receptionist at the Mount Olivet Home entrance.
*** Packages and/or food are picked up for delivery to the residents at 11:30 am and 2:30 pm.
Packages and/or food dropped off after 2:30 pm are not guaranteed same day delivery to the residents and will be delivered the next day. ***
COVID-19 Virus management
Resident Information:
0 cases of COVID-19 at Mount Olivet Careview Home.
0 cases at Mount Olivet Home.
0 residents hospitalized with COVID-19 related challenges at this time.
Staff Information:
1 case of COVID-19 at Mount Olivet Careview Home.
0 cases at Mount Olivet Home.
Infection Control
COVID-19 testing is being done on Tuesdays and Thursdays for all staff and residents. Mount Olivet Home/Mount Olivet Careview follow standard protocols and procedures to prevent or limit the spread of infectious diseases within our buildings.
All Mount Olivet employees receive annual training on Infection Control policies and procedures and our Nursing Department/Infection Control Nurse continually monitor for the presence of any infectious outbreak.
Please see the link ( for the Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 page. Scroll to the bottom of the page for a list of Congregate Care Facilities with Outbreaks by County.
Thank You
Thank you for your understanding, prayers and patience as we continue to mitigate this virus and initiate all actions to keep our residents and our staff as safe as possible.
For more information please visit:
Minnesota Department of Health – (
Centers for Disease Control – (